



It was necessary to remove, to get rid of the superfluous, to remove the table and the workbench, to keep only what seemed open; reinvent the signs poor in possible repertoire and move forward with them on the spaces that were discovered, without trying to specify them in advance.


Meet and challenge themselves from the easy analogies and similarities, next to, an open bag where to drop them on hold.


Make a list of what will be kept, what is not exhausted. Discover reports where it was not expected, prove passages between things that seem foreign, make fun of established orders, rankings and categories.


An expanse before you, evocative of the fickle properties of the poet Henri Michaux, patiently cultivated and, the next day, returned to the dust, an expanse marked by some signs and landmarks that proved to be the very ones we had projected there.


Focus on uncomfortable readings that drain more questions than they answer, books without end point.


Pass through the cracks and gaps, behind the screens and painted canvases, in order to find what was not highlighted, by refusal or simple ignorance.


Going back and forth, coming back to go again, being on both sides at the same time, the one who does and the one who looks, looks and undoes to do it differently.




I feel that I have always painted beginnings, and that the purpose of my work is to advance

assumptions of beginnings. I moved from one starting point to another and its after, generating a line that found its extension as I moved. I will have inventoried access points, remaining on a border where everything stops and everything begins.


Serge Fauchier January 2018